Off to a good Year

What a crazy year 2020 has ended there. After I came back from Thailand, everything had changed. My planned hip surgery for March was canceled, as well as all events that were planned for the next few months. As with everyone else, the coronavirus had taken its toll on my daily life.

So it was quickly clear that I would have to slow down this year and see from day to day how cycling goes with my hip, which was very frustrating sometimes. Nevertheless, I had a great year on the bike, with many great moments, such as the bikepacking tour.

In November, I had to wait again for my operation, the date was postponed several times. Then it finally happened and I was operated on very short notice. Everything went well and already after 2 days I was back home. There I was allowed to go on the trainer three times a day for five minutes so that the hip wouldn't get stiff. The next four weeks were then hard for me, because there was no real noticeable progress. I just couldn't do anything except the few minutes on the trainer and a few exercises for the hip. Since it was snowing and icy outside, it was not possible for me to go for long walks with crutches.

I was happy when we gradually increased the workload on the roller and for my exercises. After six weeks I was able to walk without crutches again. From this moment things progressed quickly and I was able to return to everyday life. Small progress was noticeable almost every day.

For all of you, who are now wondering why I had to operate my hip: I had a bicycle accident two years ago in which my shoulder was also severely injured, this then had priority and was operated on first. The healing process took time and I hoped that we could fix the hip alternatively. But that was not the case and so it was clear that I would not get past this operation either.

A few months later, I am very glad that I decided to have the surgery. I no longer have the weak feeling in my hip all the time and I am looking forward to a year without pain.

Of course, it is not fully recovered yet and I still have to be patient. But in the meantime I have done several longer sessions on the trainer, with my longest indoor session being next to 100 and 200 kilometers at the end then 300 kilometers 🙂 Yes the number is right and you think I am crazy but I just have the urge to move.

In addition, I now have a better feeling outside again, the balance is much better and so I could also make the first longer rides outside.

Currently I am in Cape Town, South Africa for two weeks. Which is now my second home 🙂 and I enjoy the warm, sunny rides here, while I continue to focus on the recovery of my hip. Before I can finally go full throttle again. Here's the link to my first ride in Cape Town to Chapman's Peak and back:So good to be back«.

Planning this year is also rather impossible at the moment.

I will certainly enjoy my time in South Africa, participate in few events, when I am back in Switzerland and enjoy every kilometer on the road bike.